What? Where? Who? When? How?

Where are you going?

Big picture: we’re going round the world, heading East. We’ll be spending time in southern Africa, S.E. Asia, Australia, NZ, and South America. You can find more details on our route (including a map) here. At the moment only the flights are planned – where we head in between these flights is anyone’s guess!

Do you have a schedule? When will you be back? Will you be back?

Only a vague one. A round-the-world ticket lasts a year so we have to be back within a year (unless we buy new flight tickets). All our flight dates are flexible though so we can stay in one place longer or shorter as the mood takes us. Also, if we get really sick of travelling (what?!?!) or run out of money (more likely!) we can always come back early.

How can you afford this?!

I’m starting to wonder this myself…

We’re relying on a combination of savings, frugal spending (couch-surfing, staying with friends, eating cheaply, etc) and some money from renting the house out while we’re away. We also plan to work a bit while we’re in Australia – so really we just need enough to get us to Australia initially.

I’m very jealous – can I at least come and join you somewhere?

Absolutely!! We would LOVE you to join us for a bit. You would give a real boost to our energy levels – and it will be so good just to hang out with old friends for a while. So if you’re at all interested, get in touch and we’ll make it happen 🙂