See It Do It Live It

African Children

Posted by in Africa, Pre-trip, Trip

A lot of the children we met in Zambia don’t have very much. No shiny plastic toys, no books. They often make their own toys, and their own fun.


12 days a cleaner

Posted by in Pre-trip

I suppose its the price you pay for a year of travelling… This past few weeks we (well mostly Kylie if I’m honest) have been blitzing our house, getting rid of dirt I never even knew was there from places I’d never even thought to look. But, with just a few hours before we head for the airport, the house is finally spotless and ready for its new tenants. All our stuff is packed away (in Graham’s haphazard ‘system’). The grass is cut. The bins are empty. Everything is in…read more

The best laid plans…

Posted by in Pre-trip

Question: How do you plan a year of travelling?! Answer: You don’t. At least not completely. Ok, so you decide to spend a year travelling the world. Great! But where to go?! There’s just so many amazing places – how on earth do you work out which ones are ‘must-visit’ and which ones are ‘maybe-next-time’? Actually, ‘maybe-next-time’ was a key consideration for us as we set aside some tempting destinations that we’ll save for another trip. We’re trying to strike a balance between being prepared and being flexible. So we’ve…read more

A work in progress

Posted by in Pre-trip

So we’re still working on this site – it will hopefully look a bit more exciting and contain more content soon. But in the meantime don’t forget to bookmark it and keep checking back!