A Lunar Rainbow
As we crossed the border from Namibia to Zambia, we immediately noticed that we had changed country. Namibia is an underpopulated country, with less than 3 people every square kilometer. We drove along mile after mile of road without seeing any sign of human life. Zambia has a much higher population, and as we crossed over the border we passed through lots of villages.
Things also seem to be much less organised in Zambia. The main road we travelled on was in a terrible state, with huge pot holes everywhere. Livingstone is a chaotic town, with people trying to sell all sorts of goods to you everywhere you turn. There is a big, bustling market with loud music playing and lots of people trying to barter for food. There are hilarious signs advertising the services each shop or stall can provide – and most shops seem to sell a little bit of anything they can find. We passed one shop which had hastily added ‘bicycles’ onto their sign with marker pen. Intrigued, we peered inside to see their goods. They had one single bike, and a lot of other random household stuff! For all of these reasons, I love it here.
We were very lucky to arrive in Livingstone on the night of a full moon, when the water levels in the Zambezi are high. On a few occasions in the year these conditions are perfect to create a lunar rainbow. This seemed to be too good an opportunity to miss, so we headed to Victoria Falls just after 7 pm to see this natural phenomenon. It was spectacular! We were less than a metre from the falls, which flow at around 3000 m3 per second. There was no safety barrier as such, and it was pitch black. But in a huge arc, right over the waterfall, was a beautiful moonbow. We took lots of photos and enjoyed the view for over an hour, before heading home to enjoy an amarula.
Tomorrow, we are off to Chobe park in Botswana to spot some animals!
Kylie and Graham – Your photos are amazing! So glad all is going well so far!
Awesome, but shouldn’t it be called a fallbow?
Barber shop that sells satellite dishes and mounts plasma TVs, why hasn’t anyone thought about it in England. Let me start this trend here!
We love your photos.